Diposting oleh Unknown

Membuat Server Offline Menggunakan WAMP

Membuat server offline sangat diperlukan, khususnya bagi seorang web developer atau theme designer. Server offline terdiri dari tiga komponen utama, yaitu server itu sendiri, dalam hal ini apache. Lalu yang kedua adalah database, dalam hal ini MySQL, dan yang terakhir PHP.

Apabila Anda hendak membuat server offline, Anda harus menginstall ketiga komponen tersebut ke dalam PC Anda satu per satu. Anda juga dapat melakukannya dengan lebih mudah menggunakan WAMP. WAMP merupakan singkatan dari Windows, Apache, MySQL, PHP, ketika Anda menginstall WAMP, maka ketiga komponen tersebut secara otomatis terinstall pada PC Windows Anda.
Wamp Server Localhost
Server offline merupakan server yang terinstall pada PC, dan hanya bisa diakses dari PC itu juga. Anda bisa mengaksesnya pada browser dengan alamat http://localhost/ atau, jika WAMP sudah terinstall pada PC Anda, maka tampilannya akan berubah menjadi WAMP. Sedangkan file-file server, semuanya tersimpam pada direktori c:\wamp\www. Sebagai contoh, ketika Anda hendak melakukan instalasi wordpress ke server offline, maka seluruh file wordpress harus Anda simpan pada direktori tersebut. Selain itu, Anda juga harus membuat database terlebih dahulu di php MyAdmin. Ketika Anda jalankan wordpress untuk pertama kalinya, barulah Anda isi nama database, password SQL (default password: root), dsb.
Server offline sebaiknya Anda kuasai terlebih dahulu sebelum Anda mengoperasikan server online menggunakan cPanel. Sebab cara kerja server online hampir sama dengan server offline, bedanya hanya terletak pada cara pengoperasian file saja. Pada server offline, Anda dapat dengan mudah memasukkan file ke server hanya dengan copy paste. Sedangkan pada server online, Anda bisa memasukkan file dari client ke server menggunakan bantuan FTP, saya rasa selebihnya sama.
File installer WAMP bisa Anda dapatkan secara gratis, jika Anda belum punya langsung saja download WAMP.
Diposting oleh Unknown

Download Disini

Cara Install WampServer 2.0

wamp server 2 Sebagai lanjutan dari dari artikel sebelumnya tentang Jadikan Komputermu Local Server. Salah satu software agar komputer kita bisa menjadi local server adalah WampServer. WampServer ketika tulisan ini di tulis adalah WampServer 2.0.
WampServer 2.0 adalah software gabungan dari Apache 2.2.11, PHP 5.3.0, MySQL 5.1.36, Phpmyadmin. Untuk menginstal WampServer 2.0i, berikut langkah-langkahnya :

• Silahkan anda download terlebih dahulu pada  situs resminya  di http://www.wampserver.com/en/download.php (16MB)
•  Setelah filenya berhasil anda download, silahkan dobel klik pada file tersebut dan akan muncul wizard seperti berikut :

install wampserver 2

•  Klik pada Tombol “Next”. Silahkan baca License Agreement yang ada, jika anda setuju dan ingin meneruskan instalasi, pilih I accept the agreement lalu klik tombol “Next

accept agreement

•  Klik kembali “Next”

install wamp
•  Klik kembali “Next”

setup wamp server

•  Klik tombol “Install”, proses instalsai dimulai.

install wampserver

•  Biasanya akan muncul keterangan bahwa wamp telah mendeteksi adanya browser internet, pilih “Yes”.

wamp detect browser

•  Klik “Next


•  Setelah proses selesai. Klik tombol “Finish
•  Selesai.

Jika WampServer telah terinstal pada komputer, berbagai script web atau CMS siap untuk di install secara offline.

Software serupa yang bisa di gunakan adalah Xampp, AppServ ( thanks to Ries atas rekomendasinya ) dan yang lainnya.
Yang mau berbagi tentang software lain yang bisa di gunakan, silahkan ditulis di kotak komentar.
Diposting oleh Unknown


GnackTrackR6 is now officially released.
R6 has recieved support from some new DEVs so we now have more fingers working on GnackTrack. We have added patches to the compat-wireless modules so R6 has better support for injection and monitor mode. We have also now added an XP Theme so you can quickly emulate an XP box; see the video below. For support questions please use the forums.

Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR6.iso
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR6.iso.torrent

3bc79e7bc733fd6d4a15b0fb075c3c64 GnackTrackR6.iso
Click here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackR6.7z

f70241fb268f11f061e6fa0361a746ea GnackTrackR6.7z

GnackTrack WiFi Fix

We have had recent issues with wireless within GnackTrack and have had to release a fix for better (and faster) packet injection.
Ethan Dotson has been hard at work testing and creating this script in order to fix the wireless injection support within GnackTrack version R4 and R5. This script is fully automated, all you need to do is download, chmod +x fix-wireless.sh and then ./fix-wireless.sh
Click here to download the fix-wireless.sh script.
1e4bbf287f6df5d27beaf4847c9bf3b7 fix-wireless.sh
Or if you're feeling lazy simply copy and paste the following code into a terminal.

wget http://www.gnacktrack.co.uk/downloads/fix-wireless.sh chmod +x fix-wireless.sh ./fix-wireless.sh rm fix-wireless.sh


GnackTrackR5 is now officially released.
We have added many new features in this release and have fixed some bugs. You'll now be able to easily use tools such as xplico, armitage and magictree.
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR5.iso [Mirror] FASTEST OPTION REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR5.iso [Torrent] FAST REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR5.iso [Direct] SLOW REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
9f84036aeee985fa9dc5ca2550b770df GnackTrackR5.iso
Click here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackR5.7z [Mirror] FASTEST OPTION REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
Click here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackR5.7z [Direct] SLOW REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
8d62c8cca189f69ee0d2ed51bfb4f4d3 GnackTrackR5.7z


GnackTrackR4 is now officially released. We have tested this version with more wireless cards so we're confident that if you've had wireless issues this should fix it.
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR4.iso [Mirror] FASTEST OPTION REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR4.iso [Torrent] FAST REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR4.iso [Direct] SLOW REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
46b729b753051bfbe9a07354805f5a15 GnackTrackR4.iso
Click here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackR4.7z [Mirror] FASTEST OPTION REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
Click here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackR4.7z [Direct] SLOW REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
4c1e1bbd910748240f49436fb273ac96 GnackTrackR4.7z


Due to the rushed release of R2 we felt that we did not have sufficient time for testing. In order to combat this we have worked hard over the last week in order to get GnackTrackR3 ready.
This version has now been fully upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10 so comes with many of the exciting new features. Installing is now much more streamlined and this version now comes with much better wireless support out of the box. After a few requests we have also included printer support as standard.
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR3.iso [Direct] REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR3.iso [Torrent] REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR3.iso [Mirror] FASTEST OPTION
bc06ee8c020e601582b1c9275dd3c3cf GnackTrackR3.iso
Click here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackR3.7z REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
Click here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackR3.7z [Mirror] FASTEST OPTION REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead

d25fc123cf5d57447c12fb5bd736f1ef GnackTrackR3.7z


After a mad rush over the last few days we have managed to get GnackTrackR2 ready as a direct replacement for GnackTrackFinal. We have updated many of the tools within the feed and have also installed the 2.6.35 kernel with patched wireless drivers.
This version, and version here after, will unfortunately not include Nessus but you can still download your copy from the NessusTenable website. Lets hope in the future Tenable will give us permission to re-integrate it.
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR2.iso REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
e3d144f39b3f912a508c6654656d8b88 GnackTrackR2.iso
Or here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackR2.7z REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
93566c5bcd8260f7dc8c2cc1e4bee6b6 GnackTrackR2.7z

GnackTrack Final!!!

After a considerable amount of effort this month we are pleased to announce the finished version of GnackTrack. Although this is the final version we will continue to add new packages and updates as they become available or are requested every 3 months unless a major revision to a tool is made.
This version now includes language support which can be access via System-->Administration-->Language Support. Keyboard Layout preferences can now be accessed via System-->Preferences-->Keyboard. We have added a GnackTrack splash screen to the boot process and have also created a Services section under the Gnome menu where you can instantly turn on/off ssh, ftp, mysql, http, tftp, vnc, etc...
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrack_Final.iso REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
1603dcd9b48e31a86c16380c2ffdb8b0 GnackTrack_Final.iso
Or here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackFinal.7z REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
1ca59015116faa4345a72a797c7272c7 GnackTrackFinal.7z
Here is a video of GnackTrack being installed under a VM.

GnackTrack 10.04RC1!!!

Ok, after a long wait due to issues with the new dev platform we are pleased to announce the latest version of GnackTrack. This is version RC1. We are trying to iron out all of the bugs in this version in order to have a 100% stable and fully working version next. Any bugs you do find please let us know in the forum.
We have also as promised decided to release a VMWare image of the distribution. Hopefully it'll keep everyone happy.
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrack_RC1.iso REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
942a4965316fdaa927101c9b811ddae1 GnackTrack_RC1.iso
Or here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackRC1.7z REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
c621a76b60608634d3e9997eed31e0c5 GnackTrackRC1.7z

WackoPicko Test Target

Ok we've decided it's great having all the apps within GnackTrack but its important that you get to test them. Testing them against live services is not the best way to learn so we have created a LiveCD and VM image of WackoPicko. WackoPicko is a website that contains known vulnerabilities that was designed for the whitepaper[Why Johnny Can't Pentest: An Analysis of Black-box Web Vulnerability Scanners]. The source can be downloaded from github here, or you can download the prebuilt LiveCD or VM Image below.
Click here to download the live CD WackoPicko.iso
2ae1db5241bb3cfb8d4771ed07fe7517 WackoPicko.iso
Or here to download the VMWare image WackoPicko.7z
0ce84a7ab5e95876dd0f2e3dec68f01f WackoPicko.7z

GnackTrack 10.04beta4!!!

We're happy to announce that beta 4 is now ready. There have been new tools added to this release and menus fixed for binaries in the wrong location. please let me know of any issues you find.
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrack_10.04_beta4.iso REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
2c3bd234984985fbd3bbefc0400052a4 GnackTrack_10.04_beta4.iso

GnackTrack 10.04beta3!!!

Beta3 is finally ready. This release was rebuilt from scratch in order to remove all of the dev/testing junk left over. The Gnome menu is now populated with all of the pentest programs, that was no easy job! Please let me know of any issues you find.

Click here to download the live CD GnackTrack_10.04_beta3.iso REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
90b88c0f579d55f5b4aee262679d6fdb GnackTrack_10.04_beta3.iso

GnackTrack 10.04beta2!!!

Were pleased to announce the release of GnackTrack 10.04beta2! A lot of effort has gone into this work so please have a look at the changes. Please let me know of any issues you find.
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrack_10.04_beta2.iso REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrack_10.04_beta2.torrent REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
c41bc2b8bee0a6c58aa5ff553dea07ce GnackTrack_10.04_beta2.iso

GnackTrack 10.04beta1!!!

Hi all, after a considerable amount of work over the weekend we have started to implement the toolkit into the Gnome Menu. This has proved very time consuming, we think we're about halfway, hopefully sometime in the week we'll be able to complete the menu.
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrack_10.04_beta1.iso
REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
b738b6d34165c36cf3c38360445ab3e1 GnackTrack_10.04_beta1.iso

GnackTrack 10.04alpha2!!!

We're proud to say that the alpha2 version is ready. Not much on the surface has changed but we have been busy trying to fix a few of the smaller issues discovered.
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrack_10.04_alpha2.iso REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
0816bf3146112ce42514c78ed92127c7 GnackTrack_10.04_alpha2.iso
Please remember feedback if you get chance: info@gnacktrack.co.uk

GnackTrack 10.04alpha

Well here is it, the first release. This version is based on the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS version. This should mean that Canonical continue to support the release for 3 years as per their Long Term Support wiki page.
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrack_10.04_alpha.iso REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
b2ca23256cbc3e309fffa9075839cc2f GnackTrack_10.04_alpha.iso
Any feedback is much appreciated, please send this to info@gnacktrack.co.uk
Diposting oleh Unknown


GnackTrackR6 is now officially released.
R6 has recieved support from some new DEVs so we now have more fingers working on GnackTrack. We have added patches to the compat-wireless modules so R6 has better support for injection and monitor mode. We have also now added an XP Theme so you can quickly emulate an XP box; see the video below. For support questions please use the forums.

Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR6.iso
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR6.iso.torrent

3bc79e7bc733fd6d4a15b0fb075c3c64 GnackTrackR6.iso
Click here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackR6.7z

f70241fb268f11f061e6fa0361a746ea GnackTrackR6.7z

GnackTrack WiFi Fix

We have had recent issues with wireless within GnackTrack and have had to release a fix for better (and faster) packet injection.
Ethan Dotson has been hard at work testing and creating this script in order to fix the wireless injection support within GnackTrack version R4 and R5. This script is fully automated, all you need to do is download, chmod +x fix-wireless.sh and then ./fix-wireless.sh
Click here to download the fix-wireless.sh script.
1e4bbf287f6df5d27beaf4847c9bf3b7 fix-wireless.sh
Or if you're feeling lazy simply copy and paste the following code into a terminal.

wget http://www.gnacktrack.co.uk/downloads/fix-wireless.sh chmod +x fix-wireless.sh ./fix-wireless.sh rm fix-wireless.sh


GnackTrackR5 is now officially released.
We have added many new features in this release and have fixed some bugs. You'll now be able to easily use tools such as xplico, armitage and magictree.
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR5.iso [Mirror] FASTEST OPTION REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR5.iso [Torrent] FAST REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR5.iso [Direct] SLOW REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
9f84036aeee985fa9dc5ca2550b770df GnackTrackR5.iso
Click here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackR5.7z [Mirror] FASTEST OPTION REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
Click here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackR5.7z [Direct] SLOW REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
8d62c8cca189f69ee0d2ed51bfb4f4d3 GnackTrackR5.7z


GnackTrackR4 is now officially released. We have tested this version with more wireless cards so we're confident that if you've had wireless issues this should fix it.
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR4.iso [Mirror] FASTEST OPTION REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR4.iso [Torrent] FAST REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR4.iso [Direct] SLOW REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
46b729b753051bfbe9a07354805f5a15 GnackTrackR4.iso
Click here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackR4.7z [Mirror] FASTEST OPTION REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
Click here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackR4.7z [Direct] SLOW REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
4c1e1bbd910748240f49436fb273ac96 GnackTrackR4.7z


Due to the rushed release of R2 we felt that we did not have sufficient time for testing. In order to combat this we have worked hard over the last week in order to get GnackTrackR3 ready.
This version has now been fully upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10 so comes with many of the exciting new features. Installing is now much more streamlined and this version now comes with much better wireless support out of the box. After a few requests we have also included printer support as standard.
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR3.iso [Direct] REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR3.iso [Torrent] REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR3.iso [Mirror] FASTEST OPTION
bc06ee8c020e601582b1c9275dd3c3cf GnackTrackR3.iso
Click here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackR3.7z REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
Click here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackR3.7z [Mirror] FASTEST OPTION REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead

d25fc123cf5d57447c12fb5bd736f1ef GnackTrackR3.7z


After a mad rush over the last few days we have managed to get GnackTrackR2 ready as a direct replacement for GnackTrackFinal. We have updated many of the tools within the feed and have also installed the 2.6.35 kernel with patched wireless drivers.
This version, and version here after, will unfortunately not include Nessus but you can still download your copy from the NessusTenable website. Lets hope in the future Tenable will give us permission to re-integrate it.
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR2.iso REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
e3d144f39b3f912a508c6654656d8b88 GnackTrackR2.iso
Or here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackR2.7z REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
93566c5bcd8260f7dc8c2cc1e4bee6b6 GnackTrackR2.7z

GnackTrack Final!!!

After a considerable amount of effort this month we are pleased to announce the finished version of GnackTrack. Although this is the final version we will continue to add new packages and updates as they become available or are requested every 3 months unless a major revision to a tool is made.
This version now includes language support which can be access via System-->Administration-->Language Support. Keyboard Layout preferences can now be accessed via System-->Preferences-->Keyboard. We have added a GnackTrack splash screen to the boot process and have also created a Services section under the Gnome menu where you can instantly turn on/off ssh, ftp, mysql, http, tftp, vnc, etc...
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrack_Final.iso REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
1603dcd9b48e31a86c16380c2ffdb8b0 GnackTrack_Final.iso
Or here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackFinal.7z REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
1ca59015116faa4345a72a797c7272c7 GnackTrackFinal.7z
Here is a video of GnackTrack being installed under a VM.

GnackTrack 10.04RC1!!!

Ok, after a long wait due to issues with the new dev platform we are pleased to announce the latest version of GnackTrack. This is version RC1. We are trying to iron out all of the bugs in this version in order to have a 100% stable and fully working version next. Any bugs you do find please let us know in the forum.
We have also as promised decided to release a VMWare image of the distribution. Hopefully it'll keep everyone happy.
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrack_RC1.iso REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
942a4965316fdaa927101c9b811ddae1 GnackTrack_RC1.iso
Or here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackRC1.7z REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
c621a76b60608634d3e9997eed31e0c5 GnackTrackRC1.7z

WackoPicko Test Target

Ok we've decided it's great having all the apps within GnackTrack but its important that you get to test them. Testing them against live services is not the best way to learn so we have created a LiveCD and VM image of WackoPicko. WackoPicko is a website that contains known vulnerabilities that was designed for the whitepaper[Why Johnny Can't Pentest: An Analysis of Black-box Web Vulnerability Scanners]. The source can be downloaded from github here, or you can download the prebuilt LiveCD or VM Image below.
Click here to download the live CD WackoPicko.iso
2ae1db5241bb3cfb8d4771ed07fe7517 WackoPicko.iso
Or here to download the VMWare image WackoPicko.7z
0ce84a7ab5e95876dd0f2e3dec68f01f WackoPicko.7z

GnackTrack 10.04beta4!!!

We're happy to announce that beta 4 is now ready. There have been new tools added to this release and menus fixed for binaries in the wrong location. please let me know of any issues you find.
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrack_10.04_beta4.iso REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
2c3bd234984985fbd3bbefc0400052a4 GnackTrack_10.04_beta4.iso

GnackTrack 10.04beta3!!!

Beta3 is finally ready. This release was rebuilt from scratch in order to remove all of the dev/testing junk left over. The Gnome menu is now populated with all of the pentest programs, that was no easy job! Please let me know of any issues you find.

Click here to download the live CD GnackTrack_10.04_beta3.iso REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
90b88c0f579d55f5b4aee262679d6fdb GnackTrack_10.04_beta3.iso

GnackTrack 10.04beta2!!!

Were pleased to announce the release of GnackTrack 10.04beta2! A lot of effort has gone into this work so please have a look at the changes. Please let me know of any issues you find.
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrack_10.04_beta2.iso REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrack_10.04_beta2.torrent REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
c41bc2b8bee0a6c58aa5ff553dea07ce GnackTrack_10.04_beta2.iso

GnackTrack 10.04beta1!!!

Hi all, after a considerable amount of work over the weekend we have started to implement the toolkit into the Gnome Menu. This has proved very time consuming, we think we're about halfway, hopefully sometime in the week we'll be able to complete the menu.
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrack_10.04_beta1.iso
REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
b738b6d34165c36cf3c38360445ab3e1 GnackTrack_10.04_beta1.iso

GnackTrack 10.04alpha2!!!

We're proud to say that the alpha2 version is ready. Not much on the surface has changed but we have been busy trying to fix a few of the smaller issues discovered.
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrack_10.04_alpha2.iso REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
0816bf3146112ce42514c78ed92127c7 GnackTrack_10.04_alpha2.iso
Please remember feedback if you get chance: info@gnacktrack.co.uk

GnackTrack 10.04alpha

Well here is it, the first release. This version is based on the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS version. This should mean that Canonical continue to support the release for 3 years as per their Long Term Support wiki page.
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrack_10.04_alpha.iso REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
b2ca23256cbc3e309fffa9075839cc2f GnackTrack_10.04_alpha.iso
Any feedback is much appreciated, please send this to info@gnacktrack.co.uk
Diposting oleh Unknown


GnackTrackR6 is now officially released.
R6 has recieved support from some new DEVs so we now have more fingers working on GnackTrack. We have added patches to the compat-wireless modules so R6 has better support for injection and monitor mode. We have also now added an XP Theme so you can quickly emulate an XP box; see the video below. For support questions please use the forums.

Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR6.iso
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR6.iso.torrent

3bc79e7bc733fd6d4a15b0fb075c3c64 GnackTrackR6.iso
Click here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackR6.7z

f70241fb268f11f061e6fa0361a746ea GnackTrackR6.7z

GnackTrack WiFi Fix

We have had recent issues with wireless within GnackTrack and have had to release a fix for better (and faster) packet injection.
Ethan Dotson has been hard at work testing and creating this script in order to fix the wireless injection support within GnackTrack version R4 and R5. This script is fully automated, all you need to do is download, chmod +x fix-wireless.sh and then ./fix-wireless.sh
Click here to download the fix-wireless.sh script.
1e4bbf287f6df5d27beaf4847c9bf3b7 fix-wireless.sh
Or if you're feeling lazy simply copy and paste the following code into a terminal.

wget http://www.gnacktrack.co.uk/downloads/fix-wireless.sh chmod +x fix-wireless.sh ./fix-wireless.sh rm fix-wireless.sh


GnackTrackR5 is now officially released.
We have added many new features in this release and have fixed some bugs. You'll now be able to easily use tools such as xplico, armitage and magictree.
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR5.iso [Mirror] FASTEST OPTION REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR5.iso [Torrent] FAST REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrackR5.iso [Direct] SLOW REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
9f84036aeee985fa9dc5ca2550b770df GnackTrackR5.iso
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8d62c8cca189f69ee0d2ed51bfb4f4d3 GnackTrackR5.7z


GnackTrackR4 is now officially released. We have tested this version with more wireless cards so we're confident that if you've had wireless issues this should fix it.
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46b729b753051bfbe9a07354805f5a15 GnackTrackR4.iso
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4c1e1bbd910748240f49436fb273ac96 GnackTrackR4.7z


Due to the rushed release of R2 we felt that we did not have sufficient time for testing. In order to combat this we have worked hard over the last week in order to get GnackTrackR3 ready.
This version has now been fully upgraded to Ubuntu 10.10 so comes with many of the exciting new features. Installing is now much more streamlined and this version now comes with much better wireless support out of the box. After a few requests we have also included printer support as standard.
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bc06ee8c020e601582b1c9275dd3c3cf GnackTrackR3.iso
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Click here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackR3.7z [Mirror] FASTEST OPTION REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead

d25fc123cf5d57447c12fb5bd736f1ef GnackTrackR3.7z


After a mad rush over the last few days we have managed to get GnackTrackR2 ready as a direct replacement for GnackTrackFinal. We have updated many of the tools within the feed and have also installed the 2.6.35 kernel with patched wireless drivers.
This version, and version here after, will unfortunately not include Nessus but you can still download your copy from the NessusTenable website. Lets hope in the future Tenable will give us permission to re-integrate it.
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e3d144f39b3f912a508c6654656d8b88 GnackTrackR2.iso
Or here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackR2.7z REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
93566c5bcd8260f7dc8c2cc1e4bee6b6 GnackTrackR2.7z

GnackTrack Final!!!

After a considerable amount of effort this month we are pleased to announce the finished version of GnackTrack. Although this is the final version we will continue to add new packages and updates as they become available or are requested every 3 months unless a major revision to a tool is made.
This version now includes language support which can be access via System-->Administration-->Language Support. Keyboard Layout preferences can now be accessed via System-->Preferences-->Keyboard. We have added a GnackTrack splash screen to the boot process and have also created a Services section under the Gnome menu where you can instantly turn on/off ssh, ftp, mysql, http, tftp, vnc, etc...
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1603dcd9b48e31a86c16380c2ffdb8b0 GnackTrack_Final.iso
Or here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackFinal.7z REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
1ca59015116faa4345a72a797c7272c7 GnackTrackFinal.7z
Here is a video of GnackTrack being installed under a VM.

GnackTrack 10.04RC1!!!

Ok, after a long wait due to issues with the new dev platform we are pleased to announce the latest version of GnackTrack. This is version RC1. We are trying to iron out all of the bugs in this version in order to have a 100% stable and fully working version next. Any bugs you do find please let us know in the forum.
We have also as promised decided to release a VMWare image of the distribution. Hopefully it'll keep everyone happy.
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942a4965316fdaa927101c9b811ddae1 GnackTrack_RC1.iso
Or here to download the VMWare image GnackTrackRC1.7z REMOVED to prevent further download - please get the latest version instead
c621a76b60608634d3e9997eed31e0c5 GnackTrackRC1.7z

WackoPicko Test Target

Ok we've decided it's great having all the apps within GnackTrack but its important that you get to test them. Testing them against live services is not the best way to learn so we have created a LiveCD and VM image of WackoPicko. WackoPicko is a website that contains known vulnerabilities that was designed for the whitepaper[Why Johnny Can't Pentest: An Analysis of Black-box Web Vulnerability Scanners]. The source can be downloaded from github here, or you can download the prebuilt LiveCD or VM Image below.
Click here to download the live CD WackoPicko.iso
2ae1db5241bb3cfb8d4771ed07fe7517 WackoPicko.iso
Or here to download the VMWare image WackoPicko.7z
0ce84a7ab5e95876dd0f2e3dec68f01f WackoPicko.7z

GnackTrack 10.04beta4!!!

We're happy to announce that beta 4 is now ready. There have been new tools added to this release and menus fixed for binaries in the wrong location. please let me know of any issues you find.
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2c3bd234984985fbd3bbefc0400052a4 GnackTrack_10.04_beta4.iso

GnackTrack 10.04beta3!!!

Beta3 is finally ready. This release was rebuilt from scratch in order to remove all of the dev/testing junk left over. The Gnome menu is now populated with all of the pentest programs, that was no easy job! Please let me know of any issues you find.

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90b88c0f579d55f5b4aee262679d6fdb GnackTrack_10.04_beta3.iso

GnackTrack 10.04beta2!!!

Were pleased to announce the release of GnackTrack 10.04beta2! A lot of effort has gone into this work so please have a look at the changes. Please let me know of any issues you find.
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c41bc2b8bee0a6c58aa5ff553dea07ce GnackTrack_10.04_beta2.iso

GnackTrack 10.04beta1!!!

Hi all, after a considerable amount of work over the weekend we have started to implement the toolkit into the Gnome Menu. This has proved very time consuming, we think we're about halfway, hopefully sometime in the week we'll be able to complete the menu.
Click here to download the live CD GnackTrack_10.04_beta1.iso
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b738b6d34165c36cf3c38360445ab3e1 GnackTrack_10.04_beta1.iso

GnackTrack 10.04alpha2!!!

We're proud to say that the alpha2 version is ready. Not much on the surface has changed but we have been busy trying to fix a few of the smaller issues discovered.
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0816bf3146112ce42514c78ed92127c7 GnackTrack_10.04_alpha2.iso
Please remember feedback if you get chance: info@gnacktrack.co.uk

GnackTrack 10.04alpha

Well here is it, the first release. This version is based on the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS version. This should mean that Canonical continue to support the release for 3 years as per their Long Term Support wiki page.
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b2ca23256cbc3e309fffa9075839cc2f GnackTrack_10.04_alpha.iso
Any feedback is much appreciated, please send this to info@gnacktrack.co.uk
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